
The Greatest of These is Love - Part 1

How the Church Can Reach the Millennial Generation - part 2

The Convention of States: The Dangerous Rise of Socialism - part 2

The Convention of States: Reining in Government Spending - part 1

His Unequaled Birth

Defeating Dementia - part 2

Sharing Jesus With Your Children

Is It Wrong to Be Wealthy?

Question: Do you think it is wrong to be unusually wealthy?


Why Does God Answer Some Prayers and Not Others?

Question: The Lord answered prayer miraculously for my son when he was eight years old. He had open-heart...

Can Santa and Jesus Coexist?

Question: As a child, Christmas was always my favorite time of the year. I really enjoyed hearing...

Letter to Dr. Dobson From A Gay Man

Staying Faithful To Our Beliefs

There are other stories behind the life and death of my relatives, which I won’t share with...