Dr. James Dobson and guests share with you how you can receive training that helps you to become a "coffee-cup...
Do you have any friends or family members who are dealing with tough situations or issues? How would...
Family devotions are important if you seek to raise children who become successful adults, but how can...
What is the best way to develop the spiritual life of children? On the next edition of Family Talk, Dr....
The National Day of Prayer is right around the corner, and on the next edition of Dr. James Dobson's...
Over 50% of babies who are determined to have down syndrome before birth are aborted. What are those...
Marriage is not a sprint. It's a marathon that takes a life to run. That's why its so vital for couples...
The discussion of what God chooses for Jerusalem and what Satan means for Jerusalem. Why restoring Israel...
May 14, 2008 was the 60th anniversary of Israel becoming a nation and Dr. Dobson introduces his guests...
Tom Doyle speaks to the growth of Christianity in the Middle East. The dividing wall is coming down....