Dr. Dobson observes that when standards are ‚Dumped down to accommodate sub-excellent levels of performance,...
Dr. Dobson describes that ‚Critical Decade, in every young adult's life, roughly between the ages of...
Dr. Dobson talks about previous generations of kids who were often raised within their family businesses...
Dr. Dobson describes the many factors that go into making each of us unique human beings, concluding...
Dr. Dobson tells a story of an imperiled transoceanic balloon crossing to make the point that as family...
Dr. James Dobson shares his thoughts on Memorial Day about General Douglas MacArthur and one of his...
Today’s youth face an unbelievable barrage of stress and anxiety that dramatically wears on their overall...
Historically, colleges and universities were institutions dedicated to a free exchange of ideas. Sadly,...
In the midst of this unprecedented global crisis, what is God trying to say to His people? On this special...
On April 15, 2013, 2 terrorists set off homemade bombs at the Boston Marathon, killing 3 people and injuring...