There is such a rich heritage behind the founding of the United States of America! Hear David Barton...
Dr. Dobson has a heart-to-heart talk with parents of teenagers. We don't need to remind you of all the...
What would be your reaction if you found out that your child had been sexually abused by someone very...
Are you struggling to find healing from a painful secret that you've kept hidden? The Larimore family...
It might be the worst possible kind of grief, but if you know someone who has walked the agonizing path...
We've all heard that the divorce rates in the U.S. are abysmal , for those inside AND outside of the...
It used to be called "shacking up" or "living in sin." But now, we simply call it, "living together."...
Do you want to see the abortion clinics in your community shut down? If so, be sure to catch this program...
It's true, politics and policy are both very important when it comes to issues like the sanctity of human...
Did you know that there are more than 16 million orphans in the world? Seeing kids on the streets is...
Are you at a loss as to how to handle your teen's rebellious and dangerous behavior? Dr. James Dobson...
Learn the true identity of a Christian man. Dr. E.V. Hill reminds Christians that it's crucial not only...