Guest Ryan Dobson describes three elements of absolute truth. We need to speak that truth out of love...
Dr. Dobson provides an update on The 9th Circuit Court's ruling on the Pledge of Allegiance, which impacts...
Dr. Dobson says that "Hate Crime" legislation isn't just aimed at "hate," but rather seems to clearly...
Dr. Dobson talks about an effort to rein in the courts... in the form of a Constitutional amendment to...
The Constitution of the United States gives Congress the power to reign in the Judicial branch of government....
Dr. Dobson speaks to the fact that we need to be aware of what is happening in Congress and we need to...
Prayer in schools, Bibles in schools, the Ten Commandments, Pledge of Allegiance, birth control, abortion.....
Dr. Dobson points out that marriage defined as being 'between one man and one woman' has been the foundation...
Dr. Dobson's guests say that it is up to parents to inform their children about the issue of Intelligent...
Dr. Dobson continues with his guests as the discussion turns to what has developed in the Ohio State...
Certain features of biological systems are best explained by an intelligent cause, rather than by an...