General Boykin tells his personal story, about the Delta Force, a praying mom, and the voice of God telling...
Dr. Dobson begins by discussing the importance of voting according to our values and not defaulting....
Evangelists and revivalists are followers of Jesus Christ who have gone into Middle East to share the...
Dr. Joel Rosenberg offers insights into the Islamic Jihad and historical background into the current...
Dr. Dobson's guest Joel Rosenberg speaks about how the leaders of Iran believe it's their God-given mission...
The interview with Dr. Joel Rosenberg continues as he speaks to the decline of the Islamic world and...
Guest Chuck Swindoll believes that in the last days, grievous times will be upon us. He says that today,...
Guest Chuck Swindoll advises not to get burnt out in ministry work and life, and that while we pursue...
Guest Ryan Dobson says you can't believe that everything is fundamentally equivalent and therefore "right."...