Guest Dr. Robert Lewis talks about the transfer of manhood from one generation to the next, and the need...
Dr. Dobson reintroduces Dr. Robert Lewis, who speaks to the challenges he faced as a young man -- and...
Guest David Ring discusses overcoming obstacles in his life starting with cerebral palsy, and also talks...
Guest David Ring points out that there are only eighteen inches that separate your head and your heart...
At one point, guest David Ring felt that God had forsaken him, and so he had no use for church. Eventually,...
With all that our guest, David Ring, has been though in his life, he can boast--it's not over until God...
Guest David Ring says in everything, give thanks--Everyone has something to overcome; and he adds that...
Guest Dr. David Noebel says that every one of our children's beliefs will be challenged in today's university,...
Guest David Noebel describes how The Summit will change with a change of leadership, but assures that...
The discussion with our panel turns to the NDP ruling, along with other significant state rulings and...
Dr. Dobson introduces his panel of guests to discuss the latest news from the National Day of Prayer...