Guest Rick Santorum reveals that Planned Parenthood employees are being paid with American tax dollars...
Guest Rick Santorum says that the media tends to stay away from the abortion issue, so Americans have...
Dr. Dobson asks his guests, Toben and Joanne Heim, about how major decisions are handled in their family...
Guests Toben and Joanne Heim discuss their family histories as examples of the kinds of things that couples...
Guest Gen. Jerry Boykin believes the U.S. is at war, but that we haven't recognized it. He says the Obama...
Guest Jerry Boykin discusses the Islamic culture and Shariah Law, and in specific what values Muslims...
Guest Jerry Boykin speaks about the number of Middle-eastern people coming across the Mexican border,...
Guest Jerry Boykin says our obligation as leaders and citizens is to understand the threat and why they...
Guest Jerry Boykin warns that a real threat in America is that there is a plan to take over our country,...
Dr. Dobson introduces his guest, General Jerry Boykin, and lists the many contributions he has made to...
Dr. Dobson's interview with Gen. Jerry Boykin continues as they discuss characters in the novel being...
Guest Gen. Jerry Boykin talks about Homeland Security's classification of Islam as not a religion, and...