Guest Karen Santorum talks about the power of using stories from classic literature in raising kids and...
Guests Rick and Karen Santorum talk about how every child has challenges, but the popular culture devalues...
Judge Maurice Foley at the National Day of Prayer shares that men must strive to be godly fathers and...
Dr. Dobson summarizes that this is what it is all about for him -- and so Family Talk will be delving...
Ryan Dobson and Lu Ann Crane introduce Dr. Dobson and tributes are given to mark his final broadcast...
All humans lives are sacred. Too many women and men have missed out on one of the greatest blessings...
Ryan Dobson introduces Lila Rose as she shares her first encounter with abortion. That event began to...
It is time for the church to define marriages, strengthen couples, and assist children. No civilization...
Dr. Dobson and guest Alvin Schmidt talk about how human life was not considered tremendously valuable...
Dr. Dobson and guests Joann Condie and Rob Jackson talk about how addictive and influential pornography...