The Film Expelled is a documentary about what happens to teachers who advocate the Theory of Intelligent...
The prevailing worldview gets hysterical about Intelligent Design... Why? Perhaps people don't want to...
Do you know a boy aged 5 - 18 who would enjoy outdoor adventures, trips and travel, camping, physical...
Studies have shown us that the long-term effects of divorce are devastating–even into the adult years...
How to find a person to love who is "enough" like you. He shares fifty things that people need to review...
Essence of the book is to bless others not just your own family. Our choice everyday to bless or curse...
A leader sees a situation and wants to change something to be better.. Always about the future and involves...
Divorce rates are discussed.. the fact that most stable marriages happen when people are about age 28......
Dr. Dobson and Neil role-play a relationship where the lady is desperate to get married as her biological...