Gathering the remnants of a shattered life can be difficult, and putting the pieces back together can...
As we enter the Christmas season, thousands of needy children around the world are waiting to receive...
Dr. Dobson tackles the subject of Christian men and sexuality on today's broadcast. What does it mean...
Advocates for abortion defend their position by declaring that a woman has a so-called "right to choose."...
Studio guest Sydna Masse joins Dr. Dobson to applaud the heroes who work at Crisis Pregnancy Centers...
Though they might not have been called "BFFs" back then, every girl had a "best friend forever" in school....
Today, Dr. Dobson is joined by Dr. Jim Garlow and Erik Stanley. They describe how unconstitutional legislation...
The sting of rejection from peers or loved ones is a harsh burden to bear, and the scars can last a lifetime. On...
As many as 50 percent of Christian students will say they've lost their faith during their four years...
The parties start as soon as the dorms are full. From orientation to graduation, Christian university...
The world has its share of earthquake victims, AIDS patients, widows and orphans. Scripture calls on...
September 11, 2001 will forever be remembered as one of the darkest days in our nation's history. As...