Dr. Dobson discusses the launch of Family Talk Show after leaving Focus on the Family. He also field...
Dr. Dobson shares a clip of the discussion on the floor of the Senate defining the viability of a newborn...
Dr. Dobson summarizes the broadcast from yesterday and the speech given by Henry Hyde. He speaks to...
Dr. Dobson speaks to women who have had abortions with compassion. He tells them that God has not turned...
Dr. Dobson introduces Congressman Henry Hyde and the passionate plea he made on the floor of the House...
Henry Hyde gives a stirring speech describing partial birth abortion. He says the moral foundation of...
Dr. Dobson tells us that the House did override the veto of Bill Clinton on this bill but that the Senate...
David turns to scripture to show that weight has always been an issue. He gives principles for how to...
Nutritionist David Meinz—with his characteristic humor—talks about what realistic changes we can...
David tells about the amounts of fat sodium, sugar, fiber and cholesterol we need. Moderation influences...
David speaks about how the scriptures tell us how and what we should eat. He reviews the fat dilemma...
The diet industry is a multi-million dollar business. It seems that everyone is looking for the secret...