The conditions of fistulas is described and discussed. Caroline Stringfellow touches on the needs of...
Dr. Stringfellow comments on the spiritual work that God has called them to do in Africa. He describes...
Ryan recaps the medical work and missions these four are doing at Tenwek Hospital and the surrounding...
Caroline Hedges speaks to the finances of the hospital in Kenya, how poor the people are, and how much...
Dennis discusses what he calls the American Trinity. How God intended this country to function. How...
Dennis talks about clarity needed to understand America's values versus left-wing values. Need to understand...
Ryan speaks to his dedication to Summit Ministries in his book Be Intolerant. He speaks to...
The goal is to prepare students for the battles they will encounter on secular college campuses. They...
Kelly Shakelford leads us through the court cases, and the area in the desert becoming Federal Preserve....
Dr. Dobson reintroduces Dr. Charles Stone and his daughter Heather to tell the encouraging side of their...
Heather describes changes that occurred with peers, grades, schools, dress, and boys while she was looking...
Heather shares her story, the events which began to crush her spirit, and her reaction to authority figures...