Passion is love expressed at the cross. A parent's job is to instill that passion and purpose in their...
Joe White shares how at Kanakuk Kamps they pour positives into the kids. That gives them courage and...
How does the church deal with LGBT policies regarding the military? Many military pastors are facing...
In our culture, men are caring less and less for watching out for women. As this progresses, it degrades...
The current administration is calling for increased diversity and is chipping away at unit cohesion in...
This push for women in combat is coming from the current administration policy makers, not from women...
The church has backed a referendum to stand for the Word of God in the law in terms of the issue of marriage...
The choice before the people is whether marriage should continue to be defined as between one man and...
President Obama made a political move but also a financial decision when he issued a statement on same-sex...
The differences between men and women and how they view relationships is discussed, as well as a "how...
Dr. Dobson and his guest discuss the different sexual extremes that have existed throughout time and...