Eric Metaxas shares how Bonhoeffer's book the Cost of Discipleship is still a insightful voice for us...
Eric Metaxas discusses how Bonhoeffer spoke on the radio against Hitler and set himself on a collision...
Eric Metaxas discusses how the German state was not allowed to speak, publish or run a seminary, and...
Eric Metaxas shares the story of how the courageous Bonhoeffer hung and burned with Jewish victims, ...
Eric Metaxas shares about God's leading as he was led to write the book "Bonhoeffer - Pastor, Martyr,...
Tracy Eckert discusses the horrific problem of abortion and the staggering statistic of how 54 million...
Tracy Eckert shares the story of how thirty nine women stood up to be the voice of the unborn at the...
Sabrina O'Malone discusses the spiritual dimension and the importance of keeping prayer the cornerstone...
Sabrina O'Malone shares how she grew up working, so she never knew of anything else, showing how some...