Dr. Dobson introduces Jan Harrison and her book, "Life After the Storm," to talk about how God carries...
As parents, we need to share the stories of our history and heritage to our children. They must know...
The "first" Thanksgiving was an opportunity for the pilgrims to thank Almighty God for all His blessings...
Guests Kim and Troy Meeder share their ministry of pairing horses with emotionally wounded kids and the...
Kim Meeder comments on how Jesus takes the children's broken pieces and creates a beautiful flower that...
Troy Meeder speaks about working full time on the ranch and financially how the Lord is making it all...
Guests Kim and Troy Meeder say that true hope becomes mature when we give it away. Many of the girls...
Guest Todd Starnes says we are at a point in our country where Christians are being bullied by our mainstream...
Memories are the fingerprint of our personalities. Once we understand this, we can begin to learn how...