Guest Barry Meguiar speaks about providing broadcast stations with :15 and :30 second prompts encouraging...
Guest Barry Meguiar shares how he prayed to God for a ministry. He discovered that we're all in ministry...
Dr. Dobson introduces Barry Meguiar and his ministry, "Revival Outside the Walls" -- and how it came...
Guest Barry Meguiar says you need to love on people and genuinely show interest in them. So many people...
Guest Barry Meguiar explains that when you turn to God in dark times, your testimony shines even brighter...
Dr. Dobson speaks of being invited to Ronald Reagan's inauguration and inaugural ball, and meeting in...
How can you tell when you are growing in Christ? Guests Robert and Pamela Crosby talk about increasing...
Guest Tim Clinton describes the curricula for the James C. Dobson Center for Child Development, Marriage...