Guests Randy and Marcia Hekman explain their view that children are a message to the future for a time...
Dr. Dobson introduces the story behind the Hekman family and the Michigan Family Forum. The Forum is...
Dr. Dobson recaps the 2015 National Day of Prayer with his guests Shirley Dobson, John Bornschein and...
John Bornschein describes the events of the National Day of Prayer across the nation, on the air, and...
George Washington and Abraham Lincoln both called for the nation to pray. All in all, 34 of our past...
Tony Evans speaks about the spiritual tone of the nation comparing it to the days of 2 Chronicles 15:3-6....
Guest Barry Meguiar talks about how when we love our neighbors as ourselves (Jesus' instructions) we...
Guest Tony Evans explains the Kingdom Agenda: to demonstrate the comprehensive rule of God over every...