After a diving accident in 1967 left her paralyzed, Joni Eareckson Tada became a world recognized voice...
The value of human life is being crushed by the rise of both assisted suicide and euthanasia.Family Talks...
God sometimes allows bad things to happen, to get our attention or to refocus our lives on Him. Joining...
Pornography destroys empathy, draws out latent violence, and robs users of true intimacy. Today on Family...
Pornography has corrupted Gods purpose for intimacy and distorted millions of men's and women's view...
the president of Alliance Defending Freedom, Dr. Michael Farris,and constitutional law attorney, Jenna...
In this interview, Dr. Dobson and his guests,Dr. John Trent&the late Dr. Gary Smalley, discuss the Old...
In todays society of increasing violence, everyone experiences trauma of some kind. Family Talks co-host,...
Debt is becoming more common and accepted in todays culture, despite millions of families being ruined...
Many arguments between a husband and wife stem from the issue of money. On this Family Talk broadcast,...
Its a fact that we all experience trials and pain, and when we go through those times, we must look to...
On this Tuesday broadcast of Family Talk, Dr. Tim Clinton, President of the AACC, will conclude his conversation...