In Deuteronomy, the Lord commands His people to intentionally teach their children His Word. How can...
Fatherlessness is a widespreademergency in our culture. The U.S. Census Bureau has discovered that nearly...
On this Tuesday edition of Family Talk, Dr. Dobson continues his interview with pro-life advocate Janet...
Recently, Ohio became the 5thstate in America to pass legislation that bans abortion when a heartbeat...
The writer of Hebrews tells believers to run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Today on Family...
Men have unfortunately become the primary target of disdain in this progressive culture. Dr. Dobson and...
Genesis instructs us to be fruitful and multiply. That command not only applies to offspring, but to...
Dr. Dobson continues his discussion with Dr. Joe McIlhaney and Dr. Freda McKissic Bush, authors of the...
Moms and dads must be keenly aware of the sexual immorality that threatens their children. On this classic...
On this special Family Talk broadcast, Dr. Tim Clinton sits down with pro-life advocate Abby Johnson...
Over 2000 years ago, the Son of God was gruesomely crucified to pay the penalty for the sins of all humanity....