Website Promo: Earlier this year, 4-year-old Drake Pardo was abruptly taken from his home under vague...
Since the homeschool movement began in the 1980s, families who self-educate their kids have been unfairly...
On todays Family Talk broadcast, you will hear Dr. Ben Carsons speech from the 2019 Western Conservative...
Jesus said, whatever you do for the least of these, you do for Me. On this special edition of Family...
It is a sad observation that we live in society that vilifies masculinity and manhood.Family Talk concludes...
Fatherlessness has tremendously damaged the family unit in this country. Researchers say nearly 50% of...
Raising God honoring boys, is one of the toughest jobs for any Christian father. On this classic Family...
Historically, colleges and universities were places dedicated to open dialogue and a free exchange of...
Progressive ideologies have infiltrated our Colleges and universities, warping the minds of our young...
Historically, Colleges and universities were places dedicated to open dialogue and a free exchange of...
Announcer: Today, on Family Talk: Dr. Dobson: Well, hello everyone. I'm Dr. James Dobson...
Announcer: Today, on Family Talk. Dr. Dobson: Well, hello everyone and welcome to another...