For nearly 40 years, October has been observed as Domestic Violence Awareness month. Dr. Tim Clinton...
Tim Clinton: Hi everyone, this is Dr. Tim Clinton. Thank you so much for listening today to Family Talk,...
you will hear the conclusion to one of Dr. Dobsons favorite interviews, featuring Super Bowl winning...
The Apostle Paul reminds those in positions of influence to obey God wholeheartedly, so that those who...
The great NFL coach Vince Lombardi said leaders arent born, they are made through hard work. This classic...
Deadly mass shootings are, unfortunately, becoming all too common in todays society. Why do these merciless...
Is there an observable pattern that connects historical occurrences to current and future events? Today...
The re-establishment of Jerusalem as Israels capital, was one of the most significant decisions in recent...
In ancient Israel, the year of Jubilee marked the time of restoring or returning that which was lost....
Is there an observable pattern that connects historical occurrences to current and future events? Dr....
Many Christians in the business world have forgotten the charge to work heartily for the Lord. Dr. Dobson...
Are you a business owner or manager, struggling to see your company flourish in this economy? On todays...