Announcer: Today, on Family Talk: Dr. Dobson: Well, hello everyone, you're listening to Family...
What is a Christians moral responsibility in the world of politics? This Family Talk broadcast seeks...
In Scripture, Christians are commanded to be salt and light to this dark and decaying culture. Dr. Dobson...
Announcer: Today on Family Talk. Eric Metaxas: We no longer want heroes. We want antiheroes....
Some of the most notable leaders from history remain the best role models of good character for this...
Announcer: Today on Family Talk. Eric Metaxas: In this culture, we don't talk about what is...
Dr. Dobson: Hello everyone, this is James Dobson and I want to share a letter with you. Dr....
Throughout history, there have been countless people of noble character who have profoundly changed our...
What does it mean to be a hero? Who should young men look up to? On this Family Talk broadcast, Dr. Dobson...
In 2016, Rachael Denhollander was the first woman to accuse former USA Gymnastics Physician, Larry Nassar,...
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